Contact Information |
Please note:
We understand this process may be new to you and often questions you have are questions many others have had as well!
That's why we've set up a Help Page to assist you immediately. Please check this page first for immediate answers to many questions.
Email: Click Here
We promise to respond to your inquiry within hours, not days! We answer all new customer inquiries to this address the same day as long as they are
received by 8:00 PM Central Time
(One hour behind Eastern Time, two hours ahead of Pacific Time).
Please note that we do not have catalogs to send out.
If you did not find the specific product you were looking for, please email us
with a description and/or manufacturer name so we can determine if we can provide that invitation for you.
Also, please note that we are a retail store. We cannot make wholesale arrangements with other retailers.
Fax: 1-707-237-5444
Fax service is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Your faxed inquiries will be handled in the same time frame as email inquiries.
Invitations4Less.com, Inc.
3500 Dodge Street #324
Dubuque, IA 52003